Why are we imbalanced with nature?
The still, vegetative, and animate levels of nature are the only ones in a state of balance because they have no free choice. They make no decisions as to whether they should behave one way or another, but act according to their inborn nature.
We people, however, act according to our decisions that are higher than our inborn nature. We thus use these levels of nature—still, vegetative and animate, which are below our human level—egoistically, bending them however we wish for personal benefit.
We thus destroy and empty the planet, plant life, animals, and eventually also people, due to the egoistic way we relate to each other and nature.
The system we are in was set up so that we reach a state of mutual consideration, encouragement, and support. That is the key to entering into a state of balance with nature.
By acting contrarily, with calculations of self-benefit overriding those of benefiting each other and nature, we then knock ourselves