Συρία 3 8 2018 Ισραηλινοί κτυπούν άτακτους ισλαμιστές στο Γκολάν & Σύριοι κάνουν απολογισμό νίκης

SYRIAN WAR REPORT – AUGUST 3, 2018: SYRIAN ARMY’S OPERATION IN SOUTHERN SYRIA IN NUMBERS On August 2, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) claimed that warplanes of the Israeli Air Force had bombed several fighters of the ISIS-affiliated Khalid ibn al-Walid Army near the occupied Golan Heights. Seven militants were killed in the strikes according to the Israeli media. This was the second attack by the IDF on the Khalid ibn al-Walid Army during the last two weeks. On July 26, Israeli warplanes destroyed a rocket launcher allegedly belonging to the group in southwestern Syria. An official of the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) announced that members of the Khalid ibn al-Walid Army are attempting to cross the border from Syria. According to him, the JAF’s 10th Border Guard Battalion clashed with the terrorists in the Yarmouk Valley killing a number of them.
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