Katie Melua ~ Wonderful Life

--------------------------------------------------------------- * Tegla koja će ti promeniti život izradjena je sa puno ljubavi, za sve vas. 90 papirića, 90 dana, 90 zadataka, 90 pitanja i odgovora. Tvoj novi život je spakovan u ovoj tegli. Počni već danas da budeš ono najbolje što jesi! * A jar that will change your life is made with a lot of love, for all of you. 90 papers, 90 days, 90 tasks, 90 questions and answers. Your new life is packed in this jar. Start today to be the best you are! Contact: 381 0613336556 zoranagrujin@ ------------------------------------------------------------- Katie Melua ~ Wonderful Life Lyrics: Here I go out to see again The sunshine fills my hair and dreams hang in the air Gulls in the sky and in my blue eyes You know it feels unfair, there’s magic everywhere Look at me standing here on my own again, up straight in the sunshine No need to run and hide, it’s a wonderf
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