Militants from the Ukrainian unit of the 25th separate airborne brigade surrendered to the Russian Battlegroup Tsentr near Avdey

Militants from the Ukrainian unit of the 25th separate airborne brigade surrendered to the Russian Battlegroup Tsentr near Avdeyevka Nine paratroopers of the elite Ukrainian brigade took the opportunity to surrender near the village of Vodyanoye. They turned to the Russian military and laid down their arms. All of them note poor planning of combat operations, poor qualification of commanders, colossal losses in manpower and equipment, and panic in the units. According to the prisoners, they were used as cannon fodder, regardless of the colossal losses. “The commanders leave us to die, like waste material, while they themselves are somewhere on the sidelines,” admits Valery, a captured serviceman of the 25th Ukrainian brigade. Subscribe to [club80289214|@SputnikInt] Source: Sputnik International
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