IDIOMS to Express Hope & Inspiration | Vocabulary Lesson

ABOUT THE LESSON 📚 In everyday conversation, we use idioms regularly. And today I want to teach you different idioms that you can use to give hope to others and provide some inspiration. We all want to be able to help our family, friends, and colleagues, so these idioms will allow you to offer reassurance and help them stay positive when facing a difficult situation. Here are the idioms from the lesson. 1) keep your chin up 2) hang in there 3) break a leg 4) in the bag 5) sky’s the limit 6) the world is your oyster 7) light at the end of the tunnel 8) there’s plenty of fish in the sea 9) look on the bright side 10) pull yourself together 11) fingers crossed 12) blessing in disguise -------------------------- Support Our Lessons On Patreon (awesome rewards) 🎉 👉 -------------------------- Join the Interactive English Community (subscribe) 📬
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