“Winter’s Joys!“ (1932)

Full Title reads: “New York - ’Winter’s Joys!’ Youth & beauty flock to Lake Placid - scene of this year’s Olympic Ice Sports Contest - to revel in the brilliant sunshine and crisp air.“ Lake Placid, New York, United States of America. Large horse drawn sleigh travels through snow covered woodland. Behind it are towed various people on skis. Several of them wave at the camera. Shot from on the sleigh. One of the men on the sleigh is playing a piano accordion. View off the back of the sleigh showing the skiers being towed along. They wave at the camera. More shots of the accordion player a...nd his friends. He is wearing a fur coat. Shot from the front of the sleigh showing the horses as they pull away along the tree lined path. From the rear of the sleigh we see one of the skiers fall over and bring down the rest of those being towed. C/U person starting their descent down a ski jump. The jumper takes off from the base of the jump. He does not make it very far, and skids down the hill. Shot from beh
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