My cat crying cause he can’t find me

Called my cat Trooper to my room, when he jumped on the bed I was under my blankets with just my phone out so I started recording him meowing. He spots me at the end though. This is my cat Trooper, we got him in 2010. I shot this video back in 2014, and had posted it in 2016 when my phone needed space. I thought I’d edit this into a comment and the description in case anyone was curious on how we got him. We don’t really know for sure which breed he is, as him and his litter-mates were found in the middle of a road near our old house 10 years ago. Nearby a puppy/cat mill was shutdown later on, so we believe they were abandoned. They were very friendly when discovered despite having no mother and being very skinny and covered in fleas. The runt of the group had a enlarged dead eyeball that couldn’t be shut when it closed its eyes. After about a month or two we were able to adopt out the siblings but the runt was very small and that eye was not very appealing to some. After a vet v
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