The kinetic energy of walking or dancing people converts into electricity which is used to make the floor react and interact visually and to power applications which show the direct electricity output of a person’s moves. The interactivity works as transmitter for the sustainable message of a brand a product, or a company.
This film is made by
Who we are:
We provide human powered interactive floor systems for events, exhibitions and public , Energy Floors, believe that consciousness about energy is very important for the creation of a sustainable world. Our goal is to create awareness about energy production and energy consumption by making it interactive and fun and relating it to human scale. By implementing human powered interactive floor as well as inspiring applications at events and locations worldwide, we create unique experiences for our client’s audiences. That way the public is engaged in sustainability and susceptive for the client’s message about energy. In 2009 we successfully launched the world’s first energy generating floor, the Sustainable Dance Floor, which has been used at about 350 events and projects over the past five years.
Wer wir sind: Durch moderne Technik und ökologisches Design zu kombinieren,beleuchtet Energy Floors (vormals Sustainable Dance Club) nachhaltigen Lebensstil von einer etwas anderen Seite. Sich über Klimaerhaltung bewusst zu werden muss nicht langweilig oder einschränkend sein. Wir verbinden das Nützliche mit Spaß und Interaktivität, und möchten so nachhaltige Botschaften übermitteln. Weltweit sollen Menschen sensibler für das Thema Energieverbrauch und Energieproduktion werden. Wir glauben, dass Bewusstsein über Energie und den Einfluss den wir alle darauf haben, die wichtigsten Komponenten sind um eine nachhaltigere Welt zu schaffen.
Sustainable Dance Club, Sustainable Dance Floor, Sustainability, Duurzaam, Dance Floor, Energy, Dancing, LED Screen, Human Energy, Ecologic, Environment, Energy Floors, Energy generating floor, Energy generating dance floor, Kinetic energy, Sustainable, Sustainability, LED Floor, kinetic floor, Interactive floor, Interactive Floors, Interactivity, Interaction, Green energy, Green Design, Human powered, floor, Green events, Infotainment, Human Centered Design, Sustainable design, Eco Design, Innovative Technology, Innovative technologies, Innovation, innovative design, futuristic design, environmentally friendly, Raising awareness, Awareness about energy, Knowledge about energy, energy consumption, energy production, education about energy, energie meter, effects floor, high profile floor, smart floor, interactive pavement, interactive surface, modular, customizable floor, Feedback system, Bewegungsenergie, nachhaltig, Nachhaltigkeit, LED Flur, kinetische Energie, Interaktiver Flur, interaktive Flure, interaktive Tanzfäche, Interaktivität, Interaktion, Grüne Energie, Grünes Design , durch menschliche Energie angetrieben, menschliche Kräfte, Bewegungsenergie, Energie Boden, Club Watt Rotterdam, Ökoklub, Grüne Events, innovative Technologien, Innovation, innovatives Design, nachhaltige Events, auffallend, futuristisches Design, umweltfreundlich, Bewusstsein
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