~【華音*】メリュー【踊ってみた】 - Niconico Video sm38374152

“I want to do something about it, but I can’t help it.“ Long time no see! I danced Mellieu in the midwinter sea! LOL It was a cold day and the moist sandy beach was extremely cold, and the feeling of my hands and feet was strange in the second half ヽ (° ∀.) ノ In addition to that, the strong winds caused the hair to flutter and the swing and looks were tattered, but the sunset behind was perfect, so please take a look there! !! !! LOL This time, I wanted to participate in my favorite dance festival with just my heart, so I tagged it as “Super Dance 2021 Copy Division“! I’m sorry for the unnamed me, but I hope that as many people as possible can see it! !! 楽曲本家様→(sm26238908) 使用音源様→(sm26465584) 振り付け本家様→(sm28828703) 振り付け参考動画様→(sm32809891) 華音*のTwitter(あんま動いてないけど見てるよ) → 動画いいなって思っていただけたらぜひフォローやコメントお願いします*\(^o^)/*! 華音* 03/06/2021 12:00 Views 386
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