WHO New Health Regulations

Countries from around the world are currently working on negotiating and/or amending two international instruments, which will help the world be better prepared when the next event with pandemic potential strikes. The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (commonly known as the Pandemic Accord). Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) to amend the current International Health Regulations (2005) 66 2005 articles Underlined and bold = proposal to add text Strikethrough = proposal to delete existing text (cut and paste does not copy strike through so I’ve put them in comic sans) Article 1 Definitions “standing recommendation” means non-binding advice issued by WHO “temporary recommendation” means non-binding advice issued by WHO Article 2 Scope and purpose including through health systems readiness and resilience in ways that are commensurate with and restricted to public health risk all risks with a potential to impact public health, Article 3 Principles The implementation of these Regulations shall be with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons Article 4 Responsible authorities each State Party should inform WHO about the establishment of its National Competent Authority responsible for overall implementation of the IHR that will be recognized and held accountable Article 5 Surveillance the State Party may request a further extension not exceeding two years from the Director-General, who shall make the decision refer the issue to World Health Assembly which will then take a decision on the same WHO shall collect information regarding events through its surveillance activities Article 6 Notification No sharing of genetic sequence data or information shall be required under these Regulations. Article 9: Other Reports reports from sources other than notifications or consultations Before taking any action based on such reports, WHO shall consult with and attempt to obtain verification from the State Party in whose territory the event is allegedly occurring Article 10 Verification whilst encouraging the State Party to accept the offer of collaboration by WHO, taking into account the views of the State Party concerned. Article 11 Exchange of information WHO shall facilitate the exchange of information between States Parties and ensure that the Event Information Site For National IHR Focal Points offers a secure and reliable platform Parties referred to in those provisions, shall not make this information generally available to other States Parties, until such time as when: (e) WHO determines it is necessary that such information be made available to other States Parties to make informed, timely risk assessments.
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