The Harrowing Albino hunting in Tanzania

Many people find photographs of albinos interesting, especially if they are not Europeans but people belonging to groups where the pigment is strongly expressed, the Chinese, Indians or Africans.. Indeed, these people do not look ordinary.. But today’s story will make your blood run cold. I can’t believe this is happening in the 21st century... Albinism affects about one out of every 15,000 people in Tanzania In some traditional communities of Tanzania and other countries in Africa, albinos, as they’re often called, are thought to have magical properties, and their body parts can fetch thousands of dollars on the black market as ingredients in witch doctors potions said to give the user wealth and good luck. One of the victims, 17-year-old Kabula, said that her attackers asked her family for money, and that her mother offered the family’s bicycle because they had none. The attackers refused, held the girl down and in three hacks cut off her right arm to the armpit. Before leaving with her arm in a plastic bag, her attackers told her mother other men would be back to take her daughter’s organs - but they didn’t return. And this is not a single case there are many more children like her.
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