How to draw a Lotus flower with soft pastels 🎨 FLOWERS

📌Телеграм канал: 🎨Как нарисовать цветок лотоса со стрекозой сухой пастелью на наждачной бумаге. 📌Материалы: * Сухая пастель * Пастельные карандаши * Наждачная бумага, зернистость 1000 (23х28 см) * Калька 🎨How to draw a Lotus flower with soft pastels 📌 Materials: * Soft pastels “Rembrandt“ 120 * Pastel Pencils “Derwent“ 72 colors * Sandpaper 1000 * Tracing paper This video will show you how to draw, quickly and easily, step by step a Lotus flower with soft pastels on sandpaper. In real-time the drawing took about 40 minutes. ___________________________________ 📹 Link to this video: ___________________________________ 🎨 In my INSTAGRAM you will find the ArtGallery and materials for the videos: ➜ SUBSCRIBE to my INSTAGRAM: ➜ SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel:
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