The Little Mermaid- The Corona Version

Created by :Sharon Luxenburg Singer :Miri Zhavi Voice technicion: Roy Dotan translator: Maayan Segman :lyrics How could it be That one small unknown virus Is so dangerous? Just take a look Everyone disappeared I cannot believe The Corona is real Good thing I went shopping ahead I’ve got everything! I’ve bought so much stuff that I don’t really need. How many Purell does one person need? Looking around here you’d think Sure, she’s bought everything! I’ve got Lysol, Tylenol And Clorox! Face masks And latex galore You want some toilet paper? I’ve got plenty! But who cares no big deal I want more! I want to be where the people aren’t I don’t want nobody to ever touch me! And that no one will give me a... what do you call that? A hug!! I’m totally bored of staying inside But I don’t want to join your Zoom convention Talking with you is, what’s that word again? A bore! Leave me alone - 6 feet at least I don’t trust nobody no more If everyone could Just disappear It would be grand I stay inside ‘Cause I realize It’s the sensible option Wash my hands twice Because I am sure Everyone is infected The other girls Don’t understand The importance Of social distance COVID-19 You drove me crazy Just wanna live! Staying in bed And then I get scared Of watching the news Continuously How many people died so far? How many? A lot! Just don’t shake My hand Don’t you understand? That you’re standing way to close to me Leave me alone I’m watching TV Netflix and me
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