How to Make Gingerbread Cookies for Christmas 🎄🌟

Gingerbread Cookies – When it’s near Christmas and new year, we all usually have the mood to make cookies. So let’s make some cookies for the holiday season. Making cookies can be very tedious if you’re doing it alone. I always have my kids to help out in the kitchen. Make use of their tiny little hands will make the occasion special and merry. Gingerbread is traditionally Christmas cookies that makes the occasion fun with all the piping and creative artwork for the frosting. I’m no professional in the piping, so please excuse me if you can’t bear them. For me, it’s not so much about how pretty they are, is more about who you’re making them with. I can’t wait to share this moment, and I hope you’ll like both egg and eggless recipes. Merry Christmas! FOR FULL RECIPE, please visit my blog at: egg version: eggless version: Ingredients: • Eg
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