☾on a lonely night (full mep)

I know we said this mep was cancelled, but thankfully I was able to find most of the parts and got help replacing the ones I couldn’t. :D so finally, after MANY MANY months, here is the On a Lonely Night MEP. I hope you will all enjoy it! Thanks to Kitsukithefox, RayeemRebel, and Transformingwave for replacing parts. c: 1-LionChanti 2-xLunai 3-NostalgiicAMV 4-BlackSinnix 5-NostalgiicAMV & Transformingwave 6-Transformingwave 7-TheWolfDiamond 8-RedRosyify 9-xMoonCookie 10-BijouTheHamster0 11-OceanSun666 12-Kitsukithefox & RayeemRebel 13-XoXoAwsumsauceXoXo 14-ForeverLostHeroes 15-xLunai -vMEPs Team ♥
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