Συρία 10 10 2018 Οι Τούρκοι στο Αφρίν υφίστανται απώλειες από Κούρδους εξοπλισμένους από ΗΠΑ-Ισραήλ

SYRIAN WAR REPORT – OCTOBER 10, 2018: YPG CELLS ATTACK TURKISH-BACKED FORCES IN AFRIN The Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) carried out a new attack on Turkish-backed forces in the region of Afrin. According to the YPG, 4 members of Turkish-backed groups were killed by the YPG in the village of Mariam. This was the first YPG attack in Afrin, which become public in October. In September, the Kurdish group carried out about 20 attacks. Most of them took place in the first part of the month. The decrease of the YPG military activity in the region of Afrin is most likely linked to additional security measures employed by the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and their proxies.
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