Συρία 26 9 2018 Έχοντας πάψει να είναι μια χώρα έγινε πεδίο ασκήσεων σε ηλεκτρονικό πόλεμο

SYRIAN WAR REPORT – SEPTEMBER 26, 2018: RUSSIA BOOSTS ITS EW CAPABILITIES IN SYRIA The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) will continue striking targets in Syria as previously despite the IL-20 incident and a Russian decision to supply S-300 systems to the Syrian military, the Israeli top leadership declared on September 26 following a special security cabinet meeting. Prime Minister Netanyahu stated that the IDF is working to prevent “Iran’s military buildup in Syria as well as its attempts to deliver lethal weapons to Hezbollah”. According to the Russian media, the Russian Armed Forces have started strengthening EW capabilities of its military group in Syria deploying additional EW systems. There are no details on type and number of the deployed systems. However, sources speculate that these are Krasukha-4 multifunctional jamming stations and R-330ZH Zhitel jamming cellular satellite communication stations.
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