Losing our freedom to Prospect for Gold and access our forests,rivers and streams!!

The world is fast losing one of it’s most fundamental keystones to life, health and happiness. That keystone is our connection to this earth. I just received a letter from Parks and Wildlife Tasmania basically telling me that the way in which I’m filming my prospecting en devours I has to stop and I can no longer film hiking off an unmarked track, no longer have a fire to warm up on a cold winters day and no longer set up my tent while out filming and prospecting for gold. This to me was a real eye opener into how detached from reality society has become the ways of our early pioneers and our forefathers before us are now being treated as if it were criminal behavior. The problem with regulations like this is that the world has never needed these things more in their lives a deep connection with the land was once something everybody experienced, but with the advances in technology and our ease of life living we have become so far removed of this that mental illness, obesity, depres
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