Learn Finnish Verbs | Part 1 ⚫ ’Type 1 Minä verbs’ | KatChats

First part of my “Learn Finnish Verbs“ Series! Ok so in the video I said I would do the first 3 verb conjugation forms: minä, sinä & hän - HOWEVER the first bit was already so long that knowing my computer I wouldn’t have been able to render the other 2 without it crashing on me. SO I’’ll have to cut it up into smaller sections after all xD ALSO I will only be talking about the type 1 verbs, because there are actually 5 different verb forms. To make things simpler I’m just giving examples from the most common category as a place to start :) So a summary of what a type 1 verb is defined as is the following: Verb type 1 is the most commonly used verb type. These types of verbs end in 2 vowels (-aa, -ea, -eä, -ia, -iä, -oa, -ua, -yä, -ää, -öä). (according to ) AND just in case there was any confusion: OLLA is not a type 1 verb, rather I used it as an example of the bas
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