Trailer: Snipers 《狙击手》

The movie trailer for Snipers 《狙击手》directed by Zhang Yimou And Zhang Mo is out, and for the first time in my acting career, I’m actually in it! 🤩 Most awesomely, they appear to have kept my voice (as opposed to dubbing me with an American actor!) Fingers crossed my American accent stands up to analysis. 😁 I know all the other actors and crew suffered a lot more for their craft on this movie than I did, and I have the greatest of respect for all of them (辛苦大家!!). Everyone involved deserves all the recognition and praise this movie will undoubtedly garner. Here’s hoping audiences will feel and appreciate the passion and effort that went into making this work of art, when it releases February 1st! 😊 😊 ---------------------------- I’m always looking for new scenes to perform, voiceover challenges to take or new opportunities for projects to take part in. Seen a cool TikTok Challenge you want me to try or perhaps a monologue you think I should read? Tag me on Social Media or let me know in the comments bel
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