Bob Dylan World Tours 1966-1974: Through the Camera of Barry Feinstein ’2004 Bob Dylan’s hidden history Epic Dylan tours

Bob Dylan World Tours 1966-1974: Through the Camera of Barry Feinstein ’2004 (Apostasy to resurrection) Director: Joel Gilbert. Stars: Bob Dylan, Barry Feinstein, Joel Gilbert. 2-hour long documentary film from director Joel Gilbert, with tour photographer Barry Feinstein’s footage from Bob Dylan and The Band’s 1966 and 1974 World Tours. Released on DVD in 2004. Gilbert also directed the 2002 documentary World Tour 1966, The Home Movies. Barry Feinstein was the exclusive tour photographer on Bob Dylan and The Band’s legendary 1966 and 1974 World Tours. In this documentary feature film, Feinstein and Director Joel Gilbert chronicle these epic Bob Dylan tours, featuring over 150 selections of Feinstein’s finest portraits - most revealed for the first time - in this extraordinary document of Bob Dylan and rock music history. For the years in between, Gilbert visits Woodstock and Greenwich Village, New York, where he investigates Dylan’s secluded life before his return to the road in 1974. Gilbert recreates the singer-songwriter’s 1966 motorcycle accident, pays a visit to Big Pink, examines Dylan’s first encounter with The Beatles, and even confronts fanatic Dylanologist A.J. Weberman. Interviews with filmmaker D.A. Pennebaker, rock journalism godfather Al Aronowitz, Band drummer Mickey Jones and surprise guests help reveal Bob Dylan’s hidden history behind Feinstein’s astonishing images. DVD Chapters: In the Beginning Bobby and Joanie 1966 Tour - Who is that Man? 1966 Tour - Apostasy D.A. Pennebaker Motorcycle Nightmare Not Fade Away Dylan in Seclusion 1971 - Concert for Bangladesh Washington Square Park A.J. Weberman Again Dylan Meets the Beatles Journey to Big Pink 1974 Tour - Inside the Museums 1974 Tour - Resurection Credits and Outtakes Bonus Features: Photo Galleries 1963 - Early Dylan 1966 - World Tour 1971 - Concert for Bangladesh 1974 - World Tour Special Guests: Bruce Langhorne, guitarist: Bringing it All Back Home Izzy Young, Folklore Center A treasure trove of heretofore unseen photographs of Bob Dylan will likely be the main attraction of Bob Dylan World Tours 1966-1974, a labor of love directed and produced by Joel Gilbert. Gilbert, leader of a group (called Highway 61 Revisited) that he bills as “the world’s only lookalike, soundalike Bob Dylan tribute band,“ is obviously a Dylan fanatic (and he does bear a passing resemblance to a younger version of the singer). In the course of this two-hour documentary, he travels to Woodstock, New York, where he and Barry Feinstein, the official photographer on Dylan’s trips to England in ’66 (when he unveiled his new electric sound, to the dismay of many folk purists) and his ’74 “comeback“ tour with the Band, examining dozens of photos, many of them quite revealing. Elsewhere, Gilbert interviews journalist Al Aronowitz (who introduced Dylan to the Beatles), filmmaker D.A. Pennebaker (who shot the Don’t Look Back documentary), and “Dylanologist“ A. J. Weberman (a genuine kook who gained notoriety mainly by rummaging through Dylan’s garbage). These encounters are only of passing interest, due both to the fact the subjects are recalling events that took place decades ago and to Gilbert’s amateurish interviewing skills; asking Feinstein whether he gave Dylan a birthday present, or wondering if Weberman considers himself “an obsessive fan“ (gee, do you think?) may not be the best way to elicit fascinating revelations. While Bob Dylan World Tours 1966-1974, which also includes an exceedingly lame “re-creation“ of Dylan’s late-’60s motorcycle accident and a visit to “Big Pink“ (where Dylan and the Band recorded), was made without Dylan’s participation and contains none of his music, it’s obviously a sincere effort. Whether it will find favor with anyone other than Dylan completists is another matter entirely. —Sam Graham Country of origin: United States Filming locations: Woodstock, New York, USA Production company: Highway 61 Entertainment Качество: DVD5 Формат: DVD Video
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