Prophet Dr. Owuor Delivers Keynote Speech Celebrating the Relationship Between Brasilia and Tel-Aviv

05 September 2023 Prophet Dr. Owuor Delivers Keynote Speech Before the “Frente Parlamentar Brasilia e Israel e Posse da Directoria Executiva“ (Parliamentary front Brasilia and Israel and possession of the Executive Board) in the national Senate of Brazil in Brasilia. Original video: Sessão Solene 10H00 -Frente Parlamentar Brasília e Israel e posse da diretoria executiva -05/09/2023 Celebrating the relationship between Brasilia, Brazil and Tel-Aviv Yafo, Israel The Great Redemption Join me on Telegram: Discipleship with Bishop Dr. Kwedhi Watch weekly live broadcasts on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays on YouTube English: Russian: Jesus is LORD Radio Repentance and Holiness Master Website:
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