Colin and Phoebe by Thomas Arne with London Early Opera

The first Vauxhall Gardens songbook Lyric Harmony of 1745 contained the popular pastoral, Colin and Phoebe - a pastoral by Thomas Arne, director of music at the gardens. With: Claire Bessent - soprano Greg Tassell - tenor Benjamin Bevan - baritone Eleanor Dennis - soprano Miriam Allan - soprano Charles MacDougall - tenor Directed by Bridget Cunningham for the London Handel Festival 2018. “It’s fine entertainment three centuries on, and there’s to be more, as this is Handel at Vauxhall Volume 1, and you’ll find it on Signum Classics“ BBC Radio 3 Record Review. Our Handel at Vauxhall Albums are available from Signum Records and other major retailers created and directed by Bridget Cunningham. Support our new recordings and help us reach our funding goals:
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