Black Sails Multicrossover | «Heart of the Darkness» [+captainflint]

Please watch in HD! CAN I JUST.... I CAN’T BELIEVE WE FINISHED THIS OMG After our first collab together, Cate and I basically immediately decided to do another one, and what else could we do but a Black Sails multicrossover.... right. so we did that. AND IT TURNED OUT AMAZINGGG. If you, for some unknown reason, are not yet subscribed to the amazing Cate (otherwise known as captainflint -the username says it all-), HERE IS YOUR CHANCE: (i promise you won’t regret it) Song: Cate’s pairings: Thomas Hamilton and Lord Melbourne (Victoria) Max and Mira (Spartacus) Charles Vane and Kerra (Britannia) Woodes Rogers and Lucrezia Donati Tywin Lannister and Uhtred Ragnarson (Da Vinci’s Demons, Game of Thrones, The Last Kingdom) Jack Rackham and Alais (Labyrinth) Madi Scott and Aragorn (LOTR) My
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