Touring Cali Colombia dancing contest in a shopping mall

Touring Cali Colombia Dancing contest in a shopping mall We were touring Cali Colombia on the most popular places like La Ermita Church, boulevard del Rio Cali and we finish at La Estacion shopping mall Chapters: 00:00 - Highlights of the video in Cali Colombia 00:33 - Walking by the streets of Cali Colombia 01:09 - La Ermita church in Cali Colombia 03:41 - Walking by boulevard del Rio Cali Colombia 05:16 - Touring La Estación shopping mall Cali is the capital of the Valle del Cauca department, and the most populous city in southwest Colombia, with 2,227,642 residents according to the 2018 census. The city spans 560.3 km2 with 120.9 km2 of the urban area, making Cali the second-largest city in the country by area and the third most populous after Bogotá and Medellín. As the only major Colombian city with access to the Pacific Coast, Cali is the main urban and economic center in the south of the country and has one of Colombia’s fastest-growing econo
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