- 13 | Can you still be saved, when you are filled with evil passions? | 顯淨土真實信&#

“We are filled with all manner of greed, anger, perversity, deceit, wickedness, and cunning, and it is difficult to put an end to our evil nature. In this we are like poisonous snakes or scorpions. Though we perform practices in the three modes of action, they must be called poisoned good acts or false practices.“ How then, can we be saved by performing these practices?.... Don’t miss this wonderful Amida Dharma, in Excerpt 13 of the Kyo-Gyo-Shin-Sho!! If you find this video useful, please help us spread, Amida Buddha’s precious message of salvation for all miserable beings, like us, simply by clicking:.. LIKE and SUBSCRIBE.... to this channel. SHARE this video with others, who are also looking for the easy path to Peace and Happiness. ’Amida Buddha’ media channel, is dedicated to the accurate dissemination of the wonderful expositions of Venerable Master Shinran on The True Pure Land Path, known as Jodo Shinshu. It reveals the Precious Gift of
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