“Ойся, ты ойся“! Московский Казачий Хор в Театре Российской Армии

Заказать казачий ансамбль хор, на свадьбу, праздник, юбилей в Москве. Заказать фольклорный ансамбль: Телефон или WhatsApp: 7 (926) 573-67-31 или на сайте The Cossack stood on the mountain. He prayed to God For freedom, for the people, Bowed low. Chorus: Oysya, you oysya, don’t be afraid of me, I won’t touch you, don’t worry. Oyya, oyya, do not be afraid of me, I won’t touch you, don’t worry. And the Cossack also asked Truth for the people. There will be truth on earth - There will also be freedom. Chorus. For friends, the Cossack asked - So that they are in a foreign land bypassed Greed... and pride. Chorus. To wait for the wife Both fathers and children Those who seek the truth-mother Yes, in the wide world. Chorus. For the people the Cossack asked Yes blessings To have bread and salt in peaceful villages. Chorus. To keep blood from flowing Why the threshold So that falsehood does not live - He prayed to God. Chorus. So that Cossack prayed For the native land What would not grief, not a tear She was not touched. Chorus. The Cossack asked God Truth for the people. There will be truth on earth - There will also be freedom. Chorus. Oh-oh, you oh-oh Don’t be afraid of me. There will be truth on earth - There will also be freedom. Chorus. Концерт посвященный 25 - летию Ассоциации Героев России ============================================ 🎤КОНТАКТЫ: ============================================ Сайт «Московский Казачий Хор»➡ Одноклассники ➡ Instagram ➡ # Facebook ➡ Vk➡ Для вопросов рекламы и сотрудничества ➡ moskazhor@ Организация концертов и гастролей ➡ Tel / WhatsApp: 7 (925) 023-40-03, 7 (926) 573-67-31 Руководитель ➡ Вениамин Новоточинов Адрес ➡ г. Москва, ул. Новая, д.2 ============================================ Спасибо за Ваш лайк 👍 и за комментарии! ►ПОДПИСЫВАЙТЕСЬ, с нами душевно и весело! ============================================ #московскийказачийхор #казачийхор #Ойсятыойся #ТеатрРоссийскойАрмии #казакироссии
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