How to go faster on your mountain bike! I use an 80cc paramotor to go faster on my MTB on trails, hill climbs and a race, this is might be the craziest challenge I’ve done on a bike yet! Could this be the future of biking? I finally made my idea a reality and after spotting this paramotor on ebay I knew it was time to get out there, spend some money and make this in to a crazy video! I bought this backpack engine and with a tiny bit of instruction from the previous owner about how to operate it I decided to rush out and try it on my bike. The motor is an 80cc 2 stroke engine and once it hits the power band you really do start to fly. For the next video i’m gonna have to fit a speedo and see how fast i can get myself going as another challenge. Once I got used to the motor on my back and how to ride with it I tried a few different tests to see what was possible. First off I did a hill climb because I wanted to know if it could bring back up to the top of a hill because that really o
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