UNIVERSO - All the basic building blocks of nature in one unified structure - The UNIVERSO contains all five platonic solids plus two archimedean solids which are contained within the 64-Tetrahedron-Grid. It is enveloped by the Torus, which surrounds all creation. 1. Out of no-thing -- the cubeoctahedron or Vector Equilibrium (VE) (red, orange) an archimedean solid, emerges. It is shown here with 12 rays from and to the center. All vectors or rays are equal in length. The VE is a direct expression of singularity. Explosion and implosion are in perfect balance. “The vector equilibrium is the ...zero point for happenings or nonhappenings: it is the empty theater and empty circus and empty universe ready to accommodate any act and any audience.“ --- Buckminster Fuller 2. Two tetrahedrons (platonic solids) (gold, silver), forming the Star-Tetrahedron (Merkaba) inside the hexahedron (cube) (platonic solid) (blue), rotating on its tip. 3. The octahedron (platonic sol
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