VOLA - Whaler (Official Lyric Video)

We’re pleased to present to you the official lyric video for the track ’Whaler’. ‘Whaler’ became one of our favorite songs to play during our fall Europe tour last year, due to its slow and weighty groove. It was always an enjoyable experience to burst into the main theme of the song - without notice - and watch how people would respond to the more straight-forward vibe of the riff. Because of all the fun we had with this track on stage, we thought it would be appropriate to present the lyrics on a backdrop of a live performance. The video was created by Brownstache Productions and it contains footage from Euroblast Festival 2018. Our second album ’Applause Of A Distant Crowd’ has been released Oct 12th 2018 via Mascot Records. Stream, Download & Order “Applause Of A Distant Crowd’ here: VOLA Bandcamp: Official Merch Store: --- WHALER Glitch in my hand.
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