Collision of EA-6B Prowler with S-3B Viking Aboard USS Enterprise (Complete Footage)

Video from this tragic mishap has been publicly available for years but I have been sitting on this longer (and marginally better quality) version for a while now and it does little good hanging out on my hard drive. Many of you will recognize this footage as capturing the November 8, 1998 collision of an EA-6B Prowler, BuNo. 163885/’AC-503’ of VAQ-130, US Navy, based at Whidbey Island, Washington, with an S-3B Viking, BuNo. 159733 of VS-22, US Navy. The Viking was struck on the fouled-as-could-be deck by the EA‑6B during night landing practice aboard the USS Enterprise, and both flight crews ejected from their planes. Remarkably, one of the Viking crew members was quickly located entangled by his parachute in the antennae complex of the carrier’s command island. The other Viking crew member was scooped up from the frigid ocean water not long thereafter. But the night wasn’t a good one for the Prowler crew. All four aboard - Lieutenant Commander Kurt W. “Gumby"
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