Red Sea Reef Energy Plus | Complete, all-in-one Coral Food

It opens your corals’ appetite to deliver better growth, higher resilience, and brighter colors. All with minimal over skimming effect and greater ease of use with automatic dosers. In short, Reef Energy Plus is the complete package. Watch how corals react to it in this video and you’ll see why feeding with Reef Energy Plus is our favorite time-a-day. Our new, enhanced, all-in-one superfood Reef Energy Plus provides corals’ complete nutritional requirements to boost growth, resilience, and colors. Moreover, its formula makes it is readily available for absorption, guaranteeing the greatest energetic value after consumption — all the while, ensuring the aquarium is free of organic pollutant residues to prevent Nitrate and Phosphate buildup. And, feeding your corals is easier than ever. You can use an automatic doser to feed your corals with Reef Energy Plus, as the new all-in-one formulation can be kept unrefrigerated and unstirred for up to one week without compromising the efficacy of the combined components. If you want to know how to make the most of it, or which pumps to turn off and for how long, check out our Tips & Tricks video for some practical advice: And, if you’re curious and want to understand the science behind coral nutrition, watch our Red Sea Insights nutrition video: For more information about Reef Energy Plus, visit our website at Reef Energy Plus is part of our complete recipe program. Check it out on our Join our Facebook group: more videos designed to empower you with knowledge are in the making. So, make sure you don’t miss out on our future episodes and subscribe to our YouTube Channel:
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