Let’s Get it Started | TWEWY AMV

“WE COO-KOO IN HERE!“ ---- TADAA! SEASON OF THE TWEWY. Man. Look at it. Look at how GOOD TWEWY LOOKS. I’m gonna go on an emotional gush about this episode because I can. And yes I may have watched this when it premiered a while back but I’m re-emotional after watching it yesterday with Tash so. Spoilers if you haven’t played the game or watched the anime so ummm read this after that. . . . FIRST OF ALL THEM USING SOME OF THE GAME MUSIC?! THE MENU SCREEN MUSIC? ’IT’S SO WONDERFUL’ IN THE ANIME? THANK YOU. And while I’m sad that the Ali theme song had to be taken out (due to the drummer doing banks scams…yeah it’s weird) I DID feel a certain way hearing Calling in there. I do think that they’re going to have more game music throughout the ep now, though I didn’t think so before the first ep. OKAY THE ANIMATION LOOKS AMAZING. They did the 3d and 2d integration so welland it just pleases my eyes and also my editing hands. My editing hands can edit twewy. OH AND THE DETAIL. The shots of Shiki that were taken directly from her sprites. That Joshua leaning against Hachiko at the start. WE saw this from the trailers but also Sota, Nao, Mina and Ai at the crossing. All the freaking brands in the background ads look so good. So some nice additions too like Futoshi. Also I made Futoshi a reaper in a fic of mine so the fact that the twewy anime made him one for real….wow….VALIDATED. The noise controlling Neku - different but you know what I take it. It’s also SO nice to see subaseka Neku, in general. Since ofc the English adaptation of the game is known to be more comedic/sarcastic and Neku’s known to be more socially awkward in the Japanese version so while I do LOVE eng ver sassy Neku it’s nice to see what I’ve been missing too. AND BEAT. THAT MOMENT WHERE SHIKI MENTIONED NEKU’S MEMORY LOSS AND HE KINDA LOOKED AWAY. IM SAD. I HURT. I KNOW BEAT, I KNOW. I know you expect me to scream about the neshiki AND FUCK YEAH ALLLLL OF THE NESHIKI but I will scream in more detail once I edit another neshiki. I WILL talk about Shiki in general because they really did her justice in this episode and she is so cute and her caring side for helping people showed up and I’m not ready for the angst we’re going to get next episode. I’m not. OH AND I LOVEEE SEEING THE REAPERS IN THE DEATH GOD’S PAD. The convo in the game was great but it’s really nice to see everyone bounce off each other. SPEAKING OF BOUNCING OFF EACH OTHER-- since Beat never saw Nekui in kh3d so this is basically the first proper direct convo we have voiced between the two and their first interaction was hilarious and I loved it to bits thanks. Anyway as you can tell I’m super happy that we basically get twewy cutscenes after so many long long years. KH? No anime? Final Fantasy? Like a few ovas but no full anime? AND SQUEENIX GAVE TWEWY THE ANIME. THIS WAS SUCH A LONGSHOT. BUT IT EXISTS. If I had a gripe it’d be that it definitely should have been a 24 ep anime instead of a 12 because this is basically a twewy speed-run and they had to cut up a I’m going to assume they couldn’t get approval for the 24ep and this is clearly meant to finish just before the sequel is released, so this anime is definitely meant to be more marketing to convince you that yes you did love that twewy game you played a few years ago and yes you DO want the sequel --- SPEAKING OF THE SEQUEL THAT DESERVES ANOTHER HYPE EDIT FOR THE NEW TRAILER BUT HOLY SHIT 27th OF JULY?! ON THE TWEWY ANNIVERSARY?! YEAR OF THE TWEWY. YEAR OF THE DINA. link to new trailer btw: This is, as always, dedicated to my fellow twewy lovers. --- fun highlights of me and Tash’s session yesterday: “ohhhHh I like that he was controlled by noise it makes sense“ “also they also skipped us getting lost trying to find which statue and what to do “wait Dina wasn’t he already a reaper“ “no that was just from my fic“ “THEY BEAT THE BAT SO QUICK IT TOOK US SO LONG.“ “remember when we tried to do it multiplayer but there’s a glitch meaning you can’t really do that ONE boss on the switch“
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