New Zealand Sheep (1955)

New Zealand. Scenic shots of New Zealand countryside. Farmers drive sheep across fields. Narrator explains that New Zealand is famous for its sheep stations and has 38 million sheep across its two islands. The countryside is compared to Scotland. Over shots of NZ cowboys herding sheep across rivers and fields narrator tells how hardy Scotsmen came as the early high country settlers. Many towns in New Zealand have Scottish place names and mountains are often called Bens or Burns. A group of Border Collie sheepdogs follow the horses and their masters through the rivers. High angle shot of large number of penned sheep. The sheep trot along a narrow gully and are branded as they pass - it is a dye rather than a burn of any kind. The sheep escape after being branded and run in the fields. Australian Merinos were brought to New Zealand by Captain Cook on his second visit. Today there is a wholly New Zealand breed - the Corridale. Various shots of the sheep being moved around the farm both by the d
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