Pain In Heel Of Foot, Pain Under Foot, Foot And Ankle Pain, Treatment Of Plantar Fasciitis

Pain In Heel Of Foot, Pain Under Foot, Foot And Ankle Pain, Treatment Of Plantar Fasciitis Causes of Plantar Fascia The arch of the foot is particularly affected when a person has plantar fasciitis and the plantar fascia, which is a fibrous tissue in the foot, can become injured when a number of actions occur. These actions include overuse of the foot, wearing shoes that place a strain on the foot, being overweight and sudden injuries which result in stress or strain on the plantar fascia. Overuse of the feet is common in sporting activities where athletes are constantly moving with their feet in a repetitive manner. Over time, such repetitive movements can cause stress on the plantar fascia to build up. Eventually, this tissue tears or gives way to the pressure. Pressure from excessive weight on the feet could also overwhelm this tissue. People may damage the alignment of their feet arches and the plant
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