Tomb Raider 2 Custom Level - The Mystic Artefact : Beginning Walkthrough

Tomb Raider Level Editor (TRLE) - The Mystic Artefact - Beginning Walkthrough Level By : Mahetus Story Lara is looking for The Mystic Crystal that was hidden centuries ago. Power of this artefact is unknown. Lara is want to collect it and research the hidden power of this Crystal. Well I don’t believe this is the first level for the author. It’s actually real good. Some of the area is a bit too dark. And I think the author should add more flares. I look forward to seeing the part 2 in the future :D Seeking List: Level 1 The Hidden Tomb - 0:15 1:32 Secret #1 - Gold Coins 3:43 Gate Key 4:39 Automatic Pistols 8:19 Secret #2 - Gold Bars 9:30 Tomb Key 17:06 The Timeless Sands 18:24 Secret #3 - Gold Skull Level 2 Path to the Mystic Crystal - 21:19 22:31 Harpoon Gun 29:53 Hall Key 31:27 Secret #4 - Gold Skull 36:08 Silver Key 37:56 Secret #5 - Gold Coins 43:59 Uzis 46:15 Secret #6 - Gold Bars 48:28 Gold Key 53:43 T
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