I’ve wanted to animate Vinny’s disembodied voice for a while and figured I could use some practice with human characters for once. Plus the only animal character that would suit him is a duck, and I’m not about to try lip-syncing a duck.
This is also the culmination of several either new or experimental changes relative to previous work:
- Moving all body parts at the same time instead of delaying one or more between poses
- Slowing down the action more often to make it easier to follow
- Bending and stretching the face and jaw for accented syllables, which is much easier with a defined jawline that a ball-shaped head doesn’t have
- Leaving outlines a little messier because refining is not worth the time
- More subtle body language and facial expressions (i.e. the opposite of Jerma)
- And a couple for the animators reading this:
- Significantly reducing the number of movements done on ones, since most actions are perfectly readable without them
- Using thirds on my timecharts instead of exclusively halves
Vinny audio source:
Source of Vinny audio source:
Music used:
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