TNO - Oceanian Reunification PART 2 - Custom Superevents
I apologize in advance
Mandela - Lift Every Voice And Sing
Africa had always been the hardest continent for the Oceanian government to keep in check. Militias carrying out guerilla warfare campaigns throughout the jungles and deserts, soldiers deserting to start up their own tribes instead of serving the government, and rampant corruption within local administrations. Upon the start of the civil war, INGSOC control of Africa collapsed almost immediately. Mandela took control over much of southern Africa, promising to being peace and hope to the continent while ending discrimination.
Kabila - Debout Congolais / Goyang Ubur Ubur
Serving as a leader of a large militia group in the Congo, Kabila began flushing out the government and its sympathizers at the onset of the war. His biggest fight would come to be the battle for central Africa against Mobutu Sese Seko’s dictatorial army. After his work is done, however, his son may not use the government for its intended purpose...
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3 days ago 00:01:59 1
3 days ago 00:01:03 1
Их много, но голоса сливаются в один, когда произносят самые важные и желанные слова для каждой мамы, чей сын защищает Родину
3 days ago 00:01:18 1
[МВД МЕДИА] Криминальный курьер, обманувший 91-летнюю бабушку и своих нанимателей, задержан полицией Орла
3 days ago 00:00:10 1
There is no sex in the USSR
3 days ago 00:00:22 1
В городе Маркс Саратовской области произошла стрельба, сообщает «Регион 64». По предварительной информации, один человек погиб,
3 days ago 00:00:21 1
Podolyak asegura a sus conciudadanos que Rusia no tiene ningún “Oreshnik“ y que el ataque a la planta Yuzhmash en Dnepropetrovsk