J.S. Bach: Meine Seel erhebt den Herren, BWV 10 - The Church Cantatas, Vol. 88

BWV10 (2 July 1724) is the German version of the Magnificat. The joyful opening chorus, employing Bach’s joy motive, is full of fine runs and `ecstatic leapings’ (Whittaker); the sopranos and then the altos sing two verses of the plainchant version of the Magnificat. Astrong soprano aria deals with the power of God, opening with three loud cries of `Herr’ (reminding us of the opening of the St John’s Passion) and a very high note on `God’; the continuo is very active as well. The tenor then sings a dramatic recitative about pride and arrogance being scattered (the scattering being clearly illustrated), and a colourful bass aria follows in which the bringing down of the mighty and the elevating of the humble is evoked vividly. A very moving duet for alto and tenor is next, with a descending figure in the continuo illustrating mercy coming down; the trumpet once again plays the Magnificat plainchant. The tenor recitative has a waving arioso, inspired by the sea that is referred to, and then the Magnificat tune
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