We Flew the Mig with Chuck Yeager

“Mig 15 versus F-86 Sabre Jet during the Korean War was one of the classic fighter aircraft duels of all time“ Zeno, Zeno’s Warbird Video Drive-In Don’t miss our F-86/FJ2 DVD In September, 1953, a North Korean defector handed over the first Russian Mig 15 to fall into US hands. This was a momentous occasion because the Mig had proven to be a worthy adversary for the North American F-86 Sabre in the skies over Korea. The Mig was immediately subjected to comprehensive testing. You’ll see Chuck Yeager and other top test pilots putting the Mig through it’s paces and hear what they learned, along with a point by point performance comparison with the F-86. Nice footage of the Mig’s armaments too. Attentive Russian aircraft fans will no doubt pick up on the fact that some of the “faults“ listed by the US test pilots - like problems with the heating & defrosting systems -- were malfunctions in this particular aircraft and not endemic to the Mikoyan bureau’s des
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