The History of Philosophy: Origins of Ancient Philosophy Around the Globe

In honour of World Philosophy Day on November 18th, we are bringing you an introduction to the history of philosophy, and the origins of ancient philosophy from around the world! What is philosophy you may be asking? Well, the word philosophy comes from the two Greek words philos meaning love and sophos meaning wisdom, so philosophy literally means the love of wisdom. Philosophy can be broadly defined as the study of human existence and the fundamental nature of existence, reality, and knowledge. There are five main areas of interest in modern-day philosophy which can be applied to philosophy in both the east and the west, but the names that they’re now known by came from the Greeks; Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Politics and Aesthetics. By c. 4000 BCE it seems that philosophy was already established in Egypt in the form of a response to the Field of Reeds and in Mesopotamia, they saw themselves as co-workers with the gods; the gods created humanity and so the humans owed the gods a debt of g
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