Celestia will remember that (MLP SFM super short)

Got some small updates for you lads. Among us is the game that makes and breaks friendships, but I swear Celestia was acting kind of sus, I mean come on, she was on electrical the hole round and she never died. ----------UPDATE TIME--------- Celestia vs. Luna 2 is starting to look good, I finished 60 seconds of it and I’m trying to make it look as good as I possibly can for you lads, I’m trying to speed things up a little but I don’t have an official relaese date just yet, I’ve also got some music videos cooking for you, I’ll give you a heads up tho, this channel is not made for kids so, keep that in mind for future animations, I will leave the corresponding warnings for blood, gore or seizures. As for patroen and other methods of support, I’m still trying to figure things out as I can’t promise a working update schedule just yet. Have fun and take care lads, see you soon. Audio from thy animation god Piemations (please don’t sue me mat
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