Sonata do mar (Sea Sonata) - 1998 Janica Draisma

Sonata do mar Life Forms animation, DV/35mm, 5’36, colour, 1998 - Special Mention, Media Dance Festival, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 1999 Sonata do mar was developed in collaboration with Albert Jan van der Stel and created with the computer program ‘Life Forms’. It is a simple, abstract and meditative animation, which can be played as an endless loop or perpetuum mobile. The idea for the film originated from a poem by Czeslaw Milosz and the related theme that reality is an illusion or, in the Platonic sense, a reflection of an ideal realm. But how do we give shape to this illusion or reflection that we call reality? With not-quite truth and not-quite art and not-quite law and not-quite science under not-quite heaven on the not-quite earth the not-quite guiltless and the not-quite degraded. (Milosz) In the animation three Life Forms figures descend one by one from the sky and perform a virtual choreography on the water. They move without being physically limited by gravity, time or spa
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