UE4 Material Tricks you didn’t know

This is a long video because it’s several small tutorials in a single one. I’ve separated it in chapters in case you’re interested in something specific. I find there’s a lot of features and possibilities with Materials in Unreal many don’t know about. In this video I try to expose some in hope that you learn something new or solve that problem you’ve been thinking about. I had an issue on the Face Camera part that I’ve already figured out how it really works and how to solve it and I’ll record a live about it soon. 0:00:00 - Intro 0:00:36 - Primitive Data 0:06:46 - Maximized Screen 0:08:05 - Manipulating UVs 0:10:00 - Rotate Texture 0:11:44 - Flip Texture 0:12:48 - UV Offset and Tiling 0:16:08 - UV Clamping 0:17:26 - Texture Projection - Screen 0:18:57 - Texture Projection - World 0:21:32 - Texture Projection - Tri-planar 0:24:59 - Mesh Rotation 0:32:26 - Camera-align Mesh 0:45:06 - Shame! [bell rings] Shame!
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