ALL TSW LEVELS COMPLETE! “Galactic Shift“ by TeamSmokeWeed (Extreme Demon) 100% [GD 2.1] | 144hz

Here it is! I’m probably the first victor who completed all 3 levels by TeamSmokeWeed, and this is the worst extreme demon I’ve played lately ... The first 22 percent is probably the best part for me both in terms of design and gameplay. However, whatever comes next is a nightmare. Absolutely unbalanced gameplay with canser transitions, the 23-27 percent part by itzDUBU is way harder than the entire level. Reunomi’s part also does not have good gameplay and I died there many times too. I also have 88% fail once due to a bug with a move trigger, which is also not cool. I was lucky and I only got one 90% fail, considering that this is probably one of the hardest endings in an extreme demon. I SPENT MORE ATTEMPTS THAN ARTIFICIAL ASCENT!!! WHAT THE F...??? Raw footage with clicks: ---Level Info--- -Level name: Galactic Shift -Level ID: 59829005 -Creators: HelpegasuS iISanE Sikatsuka itzDUBU Reunomi ItzTesseract amateurre KrampuX ILLHVJAIV (Estachi) 1374 KireiMirai lioleo SyQual
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