Intense Russian Frontline Battle Underfire( Avdeevka Special Report)

Frontline battle has been increasing across the contact line of the Russian Ukraine war. In this special report I imbed with the Russian Forces (DPR Pitnashka Battalion) on the Avdiivka / Avdeevka frontline just 70 meters from Ukrainian military positions. During our time there we spoke to both Russian mobilization and soldiers from Donetsk who have been fighting against Ukraine for 9 years. Unfortunately we were spotted by a Ukrainian drone that began to assist Ukrainian soldiers in targeting us with Artillery and automatic gunfire. It was a very close call but we made it out alive to continue to bring you the fact on the ground that the western mainstream media is ignoring. My name is Patrick Lancaster and I think you deserve more then what the Western main stream media is willing to show you. I think you need to see information for both sides of the contact line. Why does the Western mainstream media think the world does not deserve to see reports from both sides of the Ukraine War frontline?
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