Keep the LINE Skis is back with their newest offering, Daydream.
See more behind Daydream:
This year, the Line France team came together to portray a skier’s perfect day. The day starts with the Freeride crew of Lalo Rambaud, Romain Lambert, and Noah Peizerat, who set off in the early morning hours to enjoy a beautiful sunrise over the crests and some lovely couloir descents.
From the Freeride Crew, the baton passes to Pierre Rougeot and Tom Damiani for a stylin’ run through a stone village lost in the valley.
Finally, the day ends with hot laps in the park with Théo Collomb-Patton, Marius Dunoyer, and Quentin Ladame.
#LINEskis #KeeptheLINE