Pokemon - Black and White - Team Rocket - James

Do you like James’s motto lines of Pokémon Black and White? DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE: Team Rocket wins! Enjoy the series of Team Rocket AMVs! WANT MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS? Support us on Patreon! Small rewards with special ranks available! Want to download? Visit below! CHARACTER SUMMARY: While Giovanni viewed the trio as “bumbling idiots who can’t do anything right“, they have occasionally shown that they can do things right, if only by working on the side of Ash and his friends. It should be noted that when other Team Rocket members have come into contact with Ash or any of his f...riends they’ve been often just as easily foiled as these three. As of In The Shadow of Zekrom! the trio have undergone a major shift and, rather than being simply the comedic relief of the series, the team have a far more serious task and have become more of a threat to Ash and his friends. They also seem to be more quick-witte
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