Shirley Temple - From the land of innocence

If you come across the regular young-adult person on the street and mention to them a dozen or more huge names from Hollywood’s golden era, most likely they will have heard previously half a dozen or so (if you are lucky). The number will decrease dramatically if you bring up some celebrities names whose stardom began in the early ’30s, when talkies took over. Among those, Shirley Temple’s name has its place in history assured. Her name still remains one of the really few recognizable worldwide, and even if the regular citizen in their 20s or 30s hasn’t seen a single movie of hers, most of them would be able to give you at least a brief description of who she was and what she is famous for. Although she stopped making movies over 60 years ago, when she was a little bit more than 20 years old, her legacy and iconic stature stay intact so far. She’s not only the ultimate child actress-star, but one of the biggest icons that Hollywood ever made. I wanted to make this humble tribute to
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