Lubeh - The Red Army is the strongest The Red Army, the valiant Navy are Invincible, like our people After all, from the taiga to the British seas The Red Army is the strongest of all May the Red One be invincible On guard of the Motherland And we all have to irrepressibly Go for a fair fight Red Army, march-march forward The motherland is calling us into battle After all, from the taiga to the British seas The Red Army is the strongest of all May the Red One be invincible On guard of the Motherland And we all have to irrepressibly Go for a fair fight May the Red One be invincible On guard of the Motherland And we all have to irrepressibly Go for a fair fight We will build peace on this earth With faith and truth at the head After all, from the taiga to the British seas The Russian army is the strongest of all May the Red One be invincible On guard of the Motherland And we all have to irrepressibly Go for a fair fight May the Red One be invincible On guard of the Motherland And we all have to irrepressibly Go for a fair fight Алла Пугачёва - Миллион алых роз Alla Pugacheva - A million scarlet roses Любэ - Красная Армия самая сильная Lubeh - The Red Army is the strongest
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